Texas A&M Hillel Foundation
Hillel offers students a wide variety of Jewish events, including religious, spiritual, cultural, educational, and social activities. We also offer tutoring, counseling, sports, and travel opportunities.Check out notices of our upcoming events, holidays, scholarships, and other important Hillel announcements in our weekly newsletter, the Hillel Happenings, or get the details on the Online Calendar.Be sure to read the weekly issue of Chadashot La’Shavua for Rabbi Tarlow’s Parsha of the week, along with all the notices in the Hillel Happenings and other important Hillel announcements. If you’re not on our mailing list, contact the office and give us your email address, and we’ll see you are included.The Texas A&M Hillel office is open Monday through Friday during fall and spring academic semesters from 9:00am – 2:00pm. Stop in and say “HOWDY!” and meet Rabbi Tarlow, our amazing program director Robin, our great secretary Shelly, or any of the students who may be around the building studying, chatting, or eating. We have free wireless internet, so bring your laptop to study. In the summer please contact us at 979-696-7313. Even if we’re not open all the time we can make an appointment or answer your questions.The entire Texas A&M Hillel Staff looks forward to meeting new students, so feel free to Contact Us at any time. The only thing missing at Hillel is you!